Educating Quakers and non-Quakers about the contributions of Kenyan and other African and Afro-descendant Quakers
Organizing transnational research-and-publications projects aimed at drawing upon Quaker testimonies to facilitate international peace and understanding, long distorted by media and scholarly misinformation and disinformation: The China-Africa-Russia Project and The BlackFilm Project.
Visiting Quaker Meetings and ecumenical conferences to share our book, Black Fire: American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights. The NEYM Racial, Social, and Economic Justice Committee is distributing copies to all Meetings in New England. Please contact us to schedule a presentation at your Meeting or conference.
In 1969, Hal helped conceive and served as director of a multi-disciplinary team of educators at Cornell University of an innovative summer institute, funded by the US Office of Education, that recruited racially mixed, mostly African American teams of teachers, school administrators, and school board members. We felt that bringing that group together, rather than taking individuals, would be the most effective way of implementing what they had learned, so they could go back as a team and reinforce what each had learned, at different levels of the instructional organization. These educators were from major urban areas to learn about and then teach, in innovative ways, especially using film, the relationship between Africa and African America. Our inter-disciplinary leadership team was especially interested in recruiting and impacting those school districts which were transitioning--or attempting to transition--to Black community control of the schools, including ridding the schools of Euro-centric curricula, and the desire to have learning and teaching in the hands of members of the Afro-descendent community.
Produced by Rutgers University ITV, Professor Weaver wrote and appeared in this video lecture about Paul Robeson as a synthesis in the semester-long introductory course.