Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights
Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights (2011), edited by Harold D. Weaver, Jr., Paul Kriese, Stephen W. Angell, and Anne Steere Nash. Philadelphia: Quaker Press of FGC, 2011.
"Black Fire is a landmark book that reframes our understanding of Quakerism, for it highlights the degree to which American Quakers were interracial almost from the outset, with black leaders shaping Friends' spiritual and reform visions. Brilliantly conceived and beautifully edited, it should be required reading for anyone interested in American religion and reform." -- John Stauffer (Chair of History of American Civilization at Harvard University)
"'No country can tell its history truthfully until all its scrolls are unrolled.' ... In Black Fire, as these narratives unfurl, the reader gets a close look at the broad diversity within the black Quaker experience.... For nearly a century, historians and philosophers... have struggled to understand and interpret the many moving parts of face relations, religion, and social justice. Black Fire presents some of those moving parts of the history relating to the Religious Society of Friends, unrolling some new scrolls and offering us new foundations from which to continue to explore African American stories, Quaker stories, and the intersections between the two." -- Emma Lapsansky-Werner (Emeritus Professor of History of the Quaker Collection at Haverford College)
"Black Fire is a unique, much-needed contribution to the continuing conversation about religion and race in the United States, and the place of Quakers in it. The editors have created what may well be the definitive anthology." -- Thomas Hamm (Quaker historian and Professor of History at Earlham College)
Black Fire Book Launch, March 6th, 2011
Facing Unbearable Truths

"Facing Unbearable Truths," (2008) presented 4th month, 2008, by Dr. Harold Weaver, with an introduction by Ann Cook-Frantz. Beacon Hill Friends House Weed Lecture.
Race, Systemic Violence, and Retrospective Justice:
An African American Quaker Scholar-Activist Challenges Conventional Narratives
Dr. Harold Weaver of the BlackQuaker Project asks Friends to look at societal problems through new lenses: confronting systemic violence with antiviolence; acknowledging institutional and systemic racism, rather than merely individual racism; considering a retrospective justice program that compensates for and helps remove the historical inequities related to the transatlantic slave trade, chattel slavery, and their legacies – Jim Crowism, other forms of dehumanization and exploitation, police brutality, and the school-to-prison pipeline. This unjust world is maintained by misinformation and disinformation in the media, formal education, scholarship, and political discourse. Hal Weaver lays out steps and queries in this pamphlet to guide Friends and others to begin addressing these concerns in the wider world.

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #465
October 2020

The Red and the Black: The Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic (2021)
"A Proposed Plan of Action for Friends: Education & Justice," by Dr. Harold (Hal) Weaver for The Freedom & Justice Crier (Issue #21, Summer 2009). Article begins on page 3. Read here.
"Working Draft from the Ad Hoc Committee for a Justice Testimony," by Dr. Harold (Hal) Weaver for The Freedom & Justice Crier (Issue #20, Winter-Spring 2009). Article begins on page 10. Read here.
Hal is currently working on his memoirs, Black Fire: An African American Quaker Seeker-Activist in a White-Supremacist Nation, which will become Volume 2 of the trilogy.
Planning has begun on Volume 3 of the anthology Black Fire, which will include writings by contemporary Quakers of color worldwide.
"A Proposed Plan for Retrospective Justice," by Dr. Harold (Hal) Weaver for Friends Journal (Published January 3, 2021). Read here.